How It Works

How It Works

1. Select your time and complete the booking process on our 'Book Now' page

2. You will receive a confirmation email with the code for the entrance gate to access the field. Please make sure you remember this code when you arrive for your time slot.

3. Arrive at The Bow Wow Adventure Playground and park in the allocated bays provided. Please use bays 1 and 2 where possible.

If this is your first time booking with us someone will greet you here for your introductory session. Please wait for them to arrive. .

4. Check to ensure the previous user of the field is not still in the car park. If you arrive early and the field/parking is occupied please wait in your car until the previous user has exited the field and entered their vehicle. You will know the field is occupied if the rope barrier is pulled across the grass footpath to the dog field. Some dogs may be reactive so this is for you and your dogs safety.

5. Ensure your dogs are securely on a lead when you exit your vehicle. Please keep your dogs on a lead until you have entered the field and securely closed the gate behind you.

6. To access the field please follow the signs up the grass footpath to the side of the agricultural field. Upon making your way up to the field you will notice a rope barrier. If no one is in the field the rope will be down. Please this pull across and attach to the hook provided to signal you are using the field. This way no one will walk up the footpath.

7. Enter the code from the confirmation email into the combination lock and enter the field, make sure the gate is closed securely behind you. We advise you lock yourselves in.

8. Please clean up after your dog’s poo. At the end of your session pop your poo bags in the dog poo bin provided. This is located near car parking bays 1 and 2.

9. Enjoy your time in the field with your dogs!

10. Your last 5 minutes are for you to secure the field using the padlock, walk back to your vehicle and leave the site. This for the safety of the dogs and their owners and to ensure there is no overlap of users.